
A range of non-ionic, anionic and cationic synthetic flocculants with broad specification for all mineral processing and water/wastewater treatment applications.

Our SolutionsWater Technologies
MaxiFlox® Flocculants 

Our MaxiFlox® range of flocculants are versatile and suitable for various applications in mining, mineral processing, construction, and water treatment. They are offered in both powder and liquid form, with a wide range of molecular weights, charge distributions, and charge densities.

In thickeners the products are used to enhance settlings rates, increase underflow density and improve supernatant clarity. For dewatering and filtrations processes they increase productivity and yields and reduce moisture content producing a lower volume of waste for disposal.

SciDev Western Harbour Tunnel
scidev optiflox flocculant dose control system
Innovative Technology – OptiFlox®SRt Flocculant Dose Control System 

The Optiflox®SRt system is a solution-based approach where process control technology is combined with the dosing pump skids, world-class reagent addition and technical support to ensure a robust processing solution. 

The system has been developed to provide automatic flocculant control by continually monitoring the slurry infeed to a thickener to optimise the flocculant dosage whilst maintaining consistency in thickener operating performance.

Dewatering Aid – MaxiDry® Range
Our MaxiDry® range of organic Filter Aids are typically used for the dewatering of waste bentonite slurries in the construction industry. They are used as a replacement for common filter aids such as hydrated lime or calcium carbonate with the benefits provided being:
Eliminating the requirement for all spoil material to be managed as a Prescribed Industrial Waste in regulated regions.
A neutral pH filtrate, eliminating the requirement for sulphuric acid and aluminium sulphate lowering the overall treatment cost.
Higher safety-focused and lower maintenance solution being a non-hazardous range of chemicals.
The range of chemicals available offers a solution for any slurry conditions and is supported by our highly experienced technical team.
Innovative Chemistry

A range of non-ionic, anionic and cationic synthetic flocculants with broad specification for all mineral processing and water/wastewater treatment applications. Solid, emulsion and suspension grades.

MaxiFlox® R Series

Advanced chemistry polymers for application in high TDS environments and applications where increased slurry density with minimum viscosity is advantageous. For example, paste thickening and long-distance pumping in mineral processing circuits.

MaxiDry® Filtration Aids

Specifically formulated to improve filtration rates, throughput and final cake moisture in vacuum and pressure filtration circuits.

For more information or to discover how our chemistry can benefit you