Camellia – Remediation

Grand Avenue

Camellia, NSW

SciDev was approached to treat contaminated surface water at the future site of the Stabling and Maintenance Yard for Parramatta Light Rail. The 6.2-hectare site at Camellia will be used to maintain and house light rail vehicles and a control centre to operate the new light rail system.

Treatment works were carried out to support remediation of the site which had a legacy of chromium contamination from past industrial processes.

SciDev designed, constructed, and operated a temporary water treatment plant (TWTP) that removed hexavalent chromium and other metals from the surface water on sitedown to a non-detect limit of reporting and discharged the water to sewer in accordance with the client’s trade waste agreement.


Design, construct, and commission a TWTP capable of treating up to 200 m3 of contaminated water in a 24-hour period.
Coagulation, flocculation, and reduction were used for pre-treatment prior to the dewatering and filtration stages.

The temporary water treatment plant treated over 39ML of water contaminated with total chromium levels as high 4.2mg/L and hexavalent chromium as high as 2.46mg/L. The TWTP generated 6m3 of restricted solid waste (RSW), equating to 0.0154% of the total volume processed. This waste was sent to an appropriately licensed landfill and no waste required thermal treatment.

The highest volume treated in a day was 272.3m3, an increase of 36% in the system design flow rate.

Discharge to trade waster below the limit of reporting: total hexavalent chromium <0.001mg/L.

A total of 3ML of sludge was dewatered and treated across the project’s lifetime.