SciDev Ltd is Walking for Water!

Oct 9, 2022

SciDev in Australia is Walking for Water! What would you do if your closest water source was more than half an hour away? Currently, 771 million people in the world – one in ten – do not have clean water close to home. Every day, women and children walk long distances to collect and carry water for their families. Girls and boys often begin collecting water as children and girls continue to collect and carry water throughout their lives. Many girls spend hours each day collecting water, leaving them with reduced time to go to school. Our passionate team of water professionals will be running, walking, and cycling, raising money to help people around the world have access to clean water. Access to clean water is hugely important to our daily lives, and it’s down to all of us to protect our water environments and resources and use water wisely. Please jump on and support this great cause, and SciDev in Australia will match every dollar raised.

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